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The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a constituency of STLHE that has at its core the goal of improving student learning. This is achieved through scholarly inquiry about learning, about teaching, and about how to best make public the resulting findings. SoTL Canada provides a targeted opportunity for scholars to form a community to share findings and challenges, engage in opportunities for broader dissemination of SoTL work, and consider ways to catalyze initiatives at the institutional, regional, national, and international levels.

Membership in SoTL Canada is open to members-in-good-standing of STLHE who are involved in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the post-secondary context and who support the goals of the SIG. Members may include faculty, staff, administrators, and students.

You can join SoTL Canada when registering as a STLHE member. 

For more information, visit the SoTL Canada website or contact the SoTL Canada chair.

© Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 

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